„Oh mein Gott“: Kritiker waren verblüfft, als Trump bei seiner Kundgebung erwischte, wie er „The Purge“ als echte Politik befürwortete



  1. ControlCAD on

    > Donald Trump on Sunday proposed a new policy that many critics said is equivalent to legalizing “The Purge.”

    > Trump spoke at a rally in Pennsylvania, where he admitted that his attendees were “falling asleep” at one of his earlier rallies. Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign noted that, as Trump was still speaking at the swing-state event over the weekend, rallygoers placed directly behind the former president started to funnel out of the building.

    > One comment Trump made drew condemnation on social media, as well as numerous comparisons to The Purge, a film series based on a dystopian world in which the government makes all crimes legal for a 12-hour period.

    > As reported by Sebastian Smith, AFP Washington desk chief, “Trump in Erie, PA, says in US ‘the police aren’t allowed to do their job.’ To stop crime, you need ‘one really violent day.’ He says: ‘One rough hour and I mean real rough, the word would get out and it would end immediately.'”

    > This didn’t go over well.

    > The Intellectualist said in response that “Trump appears to endorse ‘The Purge’ as policy.”

    > Decision Desk HQ contributor Nick Field chimed in, “Trump literally calling for The Purge.”

    > Political reporter Paul Blest asked, “Did Trump watch the Purge or just independently come up with the same idea?”

    > Conspiracy theory journalist and expert Mike Rothschild wrote, “The Purge. He’s endorsing The Purge.”

    > Reporter Molly Jong-Fast simply replied, “Omg.”

    > University of Texas law professor Lee Kovarsky said, “People confuse telling hard truths with just being a total f—— idiot.”

    > Politico reporter Adam Wren said, “This is roughly the plot of the movie The Purge.”

    > Former presidential speechwriter Dan Cluchey said in response, “No big deal, just one of the two candidates for President calling for a ‘really violent day’ of nationwide police brutality. Don’t bother covering this as a major story, anyone.”

  2. CrystaLavender on

    The worst part is that this will very likely do nothing for his chances of losing the election. If anything, his sycophants will eat this shit up.

  3. Ghostbunney on

    C’mon. Nobody’s actually “stunned”. Captain Oj Demento here says wackadoodle shit all day every day.

  4. MisplacedLemur on

    ‘”Critics are Stunned!”

    Every day. Since 2015. Groundhog Day. Over and Over.

    Every day. Since 2015. Groundhog Day. Over and Over.

    Every day. Since 2015. Groundhog Day. Over and Over.

    ^(Every day. Since 2015. Groundhog Day. Over and Over.)

  5. stairs_3730 on

    Is he having a contest with himself to see if he can come up with dumber shit than the last time he said dumb shit?

     He says: ‘One rough hour and I mean real rough, the word would get out and it would end immediately.'”


  6. The more unhinged he gets the more I’m sure he’s going to win. People are stupid.

  7. IzzabahJones on

    After all the crap he’s pulled I can honestly say this was on my bingo card for part 2 if it happens. And I hope it doesn’t happen.

  8. Unfriendly_eagle on

    I don’t think people always fully grasp how Waddles lives in a world of teevee and tweets, and has totally lost touch with anything resembling reality. He is not running for king and overlord, and if he wins, he’s not going to magically be able to do whatever he likes. He just won’t magically have new super powers. Obviously he’s capable of doing real, concrete damage, but like everything else he’s ever done, it’ll mostly amount to nothing.

  9. Ok_Assignment_6323 on

    When people are a danger to themselves or others aren’t they usually locked up?

  10. Just_Campaign_9833 on

    Isn’t the whole idea of “The Purge” is to distract the population from the corruption and incompetence…

  11. that1LPdood on

    Can’t wait to see how his supporters contort themselves to explain to us what he *really* meant when he said that, while simultaneously continuing to assert that “he tells it like it is.”

    The fucking doublethink with conservatives is just… wild to witness.

  12. A sane person would address the real catastrophe that is actually affecting millions of people in our country. They would realize that the crises that have affected the southeast US are of paramount focus for most people as those millions of people have millions more relatives that have to worry about whether they are safe and have access to the necessities vital for everyday life.

    Instead this wacko is talking about purging legal citizens of this country because he thinks they are here illegally.

    Grow the fuck up we have real problems that need real leadership not some jackass lobbing paper towels at people for a photo op

  13. Fromforever22 on

    Unfortunately only his critics are stunned. The cult will eat it up.

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