Ich entschuldige mich für meinen äußerst ignorant klingenden Titel, aber ich habe beiläufig einen durchgesehen Artikel im Guardian Vor ein paar Monaten hatte es nichts mit Klempnerarbeiten zu tun, aber es gab ein Zitat:

Wir erledigen unsere Klempnerarbeiten immer noch selbst. ..ist ein bisschen so, als würde man einen Klempner engagieren, aber man macht es einfach nicht.

Damals fiel es nicht auf, aber in den letzten Monaten lebte dieses Zitat mietfrei in meinem Kopf und ich kann nicht aufhören, darüber nachzudenken!

Do people not hire plumbers in Iceland?
byu/TravisFantina inIceland

Von TravisFantina


  1. EgNotaEkkiReddit on

    Don’t be daft, of course people hire plumbers. It would be silly to think every single person in the nation just happens to know how to or care to do their own plumbing. Doing simple maintenance or work on your property isn’t that uncommon. However I don’t know if Icelanders do it more than any other nationality.

    That article is really pushing the angle that Iceland is all fun and quirky and oh-so stereotypically free minded. A sexual utopia of sorts. We’re more liberal with it than a lot of cultures, sure, but it’s still a stereotype. Don’t take statements made by random people in their 20’s as objective fact.

    Then again, I don’t know him. Maybe he has never hired a plumber in his life. However, I’m not going to replace a toilet on my lonesome with a Youtube video as a weapon. I’m calling a plumber.

    What *is* Icelandic is that you probably call a specific plumber you personally know, likely the one plumber in your extended family.

  2. Lesblintur on

    I’ve tried to hire a plumber here and it is borderline impossible they’re few and far between.
    However, plumbers and electricians here are protected classes meaning that no one can undertake in those types of projects professionally without having paperwork to prove they know what they’re doing.

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