Forscher haben transparente Solarzellen entwickelt, die in die Glasoberflächen von Mobilgeräten, Autos und Gebäuden eingebettet werden können und eine nahtlose und effiziente Möglichkeit bieten, Strom aus Sonnenlicht zu erzeugen.

Scientists design all-back-contact transparent solar cell


  1. Researchers from the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) in South Korea have fabricated a new transparent solar cell and module.

    The team’s design features an all-back-contact (ABC) configuration, which places all electrical contacts on the rear side, creating a glass-like transparent crystalline silicon (c-Si) cell. They also developed Seamless Modularization technology to eliminate gaps between devices without using metal wires, resulting in a metal wire-free solar module.

    The ABC design “not only demonstrates high power conversion efficiency (PCE) in solar cells but also ensures unobstructed visibility through transparent solar modules,” the researchers said in “All-back-contact neutral-colored transparent crystalline silicon solar cells enabling seamless modularization,” recently published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


  2. throwmedowngently on

    Wow, I heard about this years ago and was worried it had disappeared or lost interest/funding. Glad to see it still being worked on. This would be huge if they can mass produce it.

  3. idkmoiname on

    Considering the size of a modern portable 20W solar cell to be barely able to charge your phone, what’s the point of charging with an area as small as a phones screen anyway? Emergency call after half an hour loading in full sun? 10min more min battery per day?

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