Erste selbstfahrende 155-mm-Haubitzen vom Typ 2S22 „Bogdana“, hergestellt in der Ukraine und finanziert von Dänemark durch Investitionen in die ukrainische Verteidigungsindustrie.


  1. Those are some beauties right there. May their aim be arched and true.

  2. unhinged_citizen on

    Looks like money well spent.
    Hope some Oligarch isn’t skimming off too much of the cash for himself.

  3. WotTheHellDamnGuy on

    Russians are so dumb, well we knew that, but also because they have been the beneficiaries of what happens when the West ramps up its industrial base to produce continuously improving equipment and materiel for sustained warfare. They know and are now they are on the receiving end of our industrial might with Ukraine joining the club.

  4. Apart_Obligation_436 on

    Thank you, Denmark. I wish other countries had your insights for what is best for Ukraine

  5. Does anyone know what is written on the side below the danish flag? 😊

  6. GlitteringAttitude60 on

    ooooh, they look very …. *searches for word* … result-oriented!


  7. Both_Variation_9159 on

    Thank you Denmark. Go easy on the whales, stop being indulgent with criminal nations. But thank you for being with Ukraine so strongly.

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