Ein gewaltiger russischer Angriff mit 14 Motorrädern wurde von 30 OMBR abgewehrt. Ergebnis – 16 tote Insassen

Von olegvs


  1. fossilnews on

    Being asked to ride motorcycles toward a battle hardened enemy. Tis the Russian way.

  2. OnePercentage4945 on

    Hell Angels, Mongols are amateurs. What you see here is a real 1% MC. (1% is a survival rate).

  3. RevolutionaryAge47 on

    Is is REALLY so hard to keep the camera steady and not zoom in and out every 2.5 milliseconds?

  4. Top-Border-1978 on

    We have gotten to the point 14 dirt bikes are considered a huge assault?

  5. PlentyAny2523 on

    Has this worked anywhere so far? Why do they keep attempting it? 

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