Die Impfung gegen COVID während der Schwangerschaft schützt Neugeborene vor einem Krankenhausaufenthalt



  1. Here’s the direct link to the study: [F. P. Havers, *et al.*, COVID-19–Associated Hospitalizations and Maternal Vaccination Among Infants Aged <6 Months — COVID-NET, 12 States, October 2022–April 2024, *MMWR Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep.* (2024)](http://doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm7338a1)

    The summary provides important context for *why* maternal COVID-19 vaccination is important for infants:

    > **What is already known about this topic?**
    > Infants aged <6 months have high COVID-19–associated hospitalization rates and are not age-eligible for COVID-19 vaccination.
    > **What is added by this report?**
    > COVID-19–associated hospitalization rates among infants aged <6 months remain higher than those among any other age group except adults aged ≥75 years and were comparable to hospitalization rates in adults aged 65–74 years. Among approximately 1,000 hospitalized infants with COVID-19, 22% were admitted to an intensive care unit, and nine died while hospitalized. The percentage of hospitalized infants whose mothers had been vaccinated during pregnancy was 18% during October 2022–September 2023 and decreased to <5% during October 2023–April 2024.
    > **What are the implications for public health practice?**
    > COVID-19 can cause severe disease in infants aged <6 months; prevention should focus on ensuring that pregnant persons receive recommended COVID-19 vaccines to protect themselves and their young infants.

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