Die Leiterin des Russischen Skiverbandes Yelena Välbe äußert den Wunsch, London zu bombardieren



  1. herrcollin on

    Russia: “We should bomb them until they let us do whatever we want”

    Also Russia: “Why is everyone so mean to us >:(“

  2. okfornowyou on

    She is mentally delusional and void of all common sense. Moscow would be over if they try that stupid stunt.

  3. ProcessInteresting65 on

    Fpv drones can be inspired by ai to find your address and be up in your house like, BOOM. 💣 Bad move, Yelena.

  4. The most powerful Russians have luxury properties and family members in London. Russian oligarchs spent the last few decades moving money and relatives out of Russia and London is probably the most popular destination.

  5. Lament_Configurator on

    She looks exactly like one would picture a Russian middle aged woman. You can literally see the mental retardation by looking at her face.

  6. Caligulaonreddit on

    she is about as asmart as beautiful. crazy what alcohol can do.

  7. Morepork69 on

    It’s as if they don’t realise there are other countries with these bombs…….

  8. Forsaken_Promise2773 on

    ruzzian people thru and thru: destroy what doesn’t agree with them. and in their tiny minds any problems will just go away!

    there is stupid, and there’s ‘ruzzian stupid’ and it is obviously infectious

    i presume she doesn’t know that UK, the US, and France have permanent at sea deterrent boats?

    UK only has one Vanguard boat out at a time, France too, but the US has about 4 or 5 out at a time (i think that figure is close)

    the UK Vanguard boats leave port with about 16 multiple MIRV Tridents on board, about 40 or so 100kt nuke packages

    that would be the UK response. the Captain of each boat has the ‘letter of final resort’ which gives him instructions on what to do if UK has been hit in a pre-emptive strike

    but the stupidity of her comment really makes the point that ruzzia are about 50 years or so behind the rest of civilisation

  9. CheesecakeHorror3410 on

    This is why the current version of Russia, aka Nazi Russia, must be destroyed. For the safety of all, even the Russian people.

  10. Spare_Lobster_4390 on

    If Russia nukes England, there’s probably not gonna be an Olympic games anywhere for quite a long time, you fucking genius.

  11. It would be over for sure. NATO would have acted and Ukraine would become a bigger country after that.

  12. seem doesnt seem to understand that the retaliatory response would be 10 fold.

  13. Savings_Tradition911 on

    The type of serious bombs she’s dropping only require an out-of-hours plumber call-out to fix.

  14. Metron_Seijin on

    Her obsession with bombs extends to her figure as well. Maybe they can name the next “fatman” bomb after her. Has she ever been within 5 miles of a pair of skies in her lifetime?

    I sincerely wish everyone who wanted to bomb the west, would  just enlist or stfu. So eager to sacrifice others for their own pleasure and entertainment.

  15. There’s no doubt that if that were to happen, Trump and his minions would be crying that the British should just surrender to prevent further bloodshed.

  16. MrsWaterbuffalo on

    Meanwhile, the Kinzhal missiles stationed at Yeysk airport are on 🔥.

  17. Easy_Garden338 on

    So she advocates for the murder of millions of children so she can travel out of her shit hole country…idiot

  18. Simple-Purpose-899 on

    From the looks of it just dropping her would likely level a small town.

  19. mikypejsek on

    Välbe? Is that a Russian name? Is she divorced from a foreigner? Maybe that explains her bizarre, self-destructive behavior, bitterness at having been abandoned for having a meat face and no brain. Or maybe it’s just because she is Ruzzian.

  20. DrMorphling on

    How the world still think that Ukraine shouldn’t bomb rusie with all it gets? Like those russian morons wouldn’t understand any other language they should be bombed untill no buildings standing. Than they maybe understood that thereis also humans in the world around.

  21. Aggressive_West_2386 on

    Give it a punt. See what happens. We might be small, insignificant, and a bit annoying, but we still have a nasty bite.

  22. Panzerhaubitze2022 on

    Are the people in Russia really so stupid that they believe they can solve a ‘problem’ by throwing a bomb at a city?

  23. Perfect_House2143 on

    They will not because someone’s gay son is living there enjoying a freedom he would not be able to find in the rotten federation of lunatics and terrorists he calls his motherland

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