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I didn’t know that Hamburger eating contests went Olympic.
Aah, neutral athlets
Fatgirl talks about atomic competition or what?
Please tell me this translation is fake… How even…? Wha…? I don… Huh?!?!
Fun fact: Russia was banned before, not because war, but because doping. If you wonder why they do it, just consider her attitude.
I would be scared if russia would drop HER on the city of London.
From the Blitz to the Blob …
You irritate the world, yes.
THAT’s the spirit! Who cares about the olympic spirit? Even doping is yesterday’s news. NOW we use NUKES to climb the podest!
hamburger eating is a olympic sport now ?
Russia tries to make bomb dropping an olympic dicipline. Unfortunatly burger girl isn‘t very firm in history cause no bomb ever made anyone paticipate in the olympics and no country dropping bombs on other nations has ever been considered a strong nation.
the only thing that is gonna drop is just her fat arse on the front line. I wonder how many drone drops will she need. man, that would be gnarly. white puss all over the damn trees. but until then, I bet she could take at least three. this behemoth “athlete” could be a true juggernaut on the front lines.
Delusions of Grandeur, the whole country.
Good idea. Go ahead and do it. I’m sure that would subdue the world.
If ICBM launching was an Olympic sport, russai would loose to north korea right now… russians boast an 80% failure rate…. Like kaboom kind of failures.
The illusion is strong with her.
Jelena Välbe? She has a Ukrainian father living in Ukraine which she don’t know is still alive and never have had any contact with and a brother fighting at the front for Russia. Sigmund Freud would have a lot to say about this.
These people need to be brought back to reality.
Big Mac champ of ’88!
It’s Jelena Välbe, isn’t it? President of the Russian Ski Federation. She is disgusting and supports the invasion 100%.
They are obsessed with the UK and London.
She is still on drugs after all these years ? 🙂
why not ban ruzzia permanently or untill they split up into free nations,
we don’t need ruzzia and we don’t like them ,sorted
their “power” is scattered all over the wheat fields in Ukraine and at the bottom of the Black Sea
Isolate these neanderthals from the rest of the world.
Sick fuck. World truly needs a heavy rain that washes all this shit away. I’m ready for some bad weather.
Your country isn’t strong. You don’t even have an army, just a humongous pile of military hardware left over from the USSR, manned by a hodgepodge collection of drunkards, junkies, prisoners and mentally ill. Your conscripts refuse to fight, even to defend their own land. Your navy is so bad it had to go into hiding, just to survive (against a country without a navy). Your airforce cannot even achieve local air superiority anywhere on the battlefield.
Btw, how is the new ICBM going for you? Oh, tried six times and the garbage bin won’t fly. Oh, the predecessor that reached end of life in 2016 wasn’t built by Russia. The engine and control system was designed and built by Ukraine. Quite a pickle.