Russische Hacker haben Österreich im Vorfeld der Wahlen angegriffen

Von CompetitiveNovel8990


  1. TheJewPear on

    At this point I just assume in every elections in Europe, US and Israel there’s going to be tampering attempts/successes by the Russians.

  2. Life-Bell902 on

    At this point it’s safer to go back to paper election and manual count

  3. Russia doesn’t need to do anything in Austria. Its friends are already ruling the polls since months.

  4. Apprehensive_Sleep_4 on

    Welp bet that one favors the far right which is the FPO. Hoping Austria will vote in large number to vote against parties which are favorable to Russia.

  5. Jazzlike-Pin9021 on

    Russia ruining all bridges, and degrading itslef moving towards the point, where only nuclear conversation exists

  6. yawning-wombat on

    Why is the link to a Ukrainian resource and not an Austrian one? Austria is more visible from Ukraine?

  7. I guess Russia also interfered in the Dutch elections. Coincidently a pro Russian party became the biggest party. They are very successful in deceiving simple minds. And apparently we got a LOT of simple minds who are allowed to vote.

  8. Austria is riddled with russian spies and sympathizers. These people not only welcome putins handouts, they actively seek it.

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