Johnny Depp überrascht Kinder im Krankenhaus mit einem als Jack Sparrow verkleideten Besuch


  1. Do children still know of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies? These movies are pretty old.

  2. inkflower333 on

    The only schtick this loser abuser has 🙄

    What kid today even knows this movie, there hasn’t been one for like 7 years

  3. Own-Particular-208 on

    Hopefully he wasn’t shitfaced. I wouldn’t want him around my sick kid at all.

  4. MRintheKEYS on

    This is one way to test the waters for PR to judge how the audience might gauge Jack Sparrow’s return.

  5. Consistent-Wind9325 on

    Hospital security has never seen the movie so they’re like, “who the heck is this clown?”

    Johnny Depp replies: “Cmon guys, it’s me. Wino forever!”

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