Schon wieder: Russische Cyber-Angriffe vor Wahl in Österreich

Von Loki9101


  1. Bitte entschuldigt den Englischen Kommentar, ich bin gerade zeitlich nicht in der Lage das alles zu übersetzen.

    Russian propagandists discuss re-creating an “Austrian-Hungarian territory” protected by a Russian contingent. Ergo creating a neutral buffer state as a Russian puppet.

    Here are some delusional quotes from Russian state pundits on their empire growing back.

    “We are white people, but we don’t behave like white people.”

    “The Russians are white they have to be like us. The curse of Russians is that we are white.”

    “We want the world, preferably all of it.” Soloyev when discussing negotiations

    “Right now, the Russian empire is growing back.”

    “The Baltics will be next” Soloyev in response: How long will it take 15 minutes one hour?”

    “The West doesn’t understand that we think differently, Russian soul, etc.”

    “They don’t understand the Russians at all.” Soloyev

    “They can’t explain what modern Russia is all about.”

    YT: State TV, Russian pundits state that the Russian empire is expanding.

    I would argue that “modern Russia” is politically and socio-economically pretty similar to Russia of the year 1900.

    Crimes, deviant expansionism, genocide, lies, technological backwardness, blackmail, imperialism. That is what this regime stands for.

    Putin’s modern Russia is a fascist, corrupt mafia state and a cleptocratic gong show.

    Defy the strong and appease the weak.

    Joe Biden had a slip of the tongue in Poland in March 2022.

    “My God, this man cannot stay in power”

    Indeed, he cannot. The vertical of power and this regime must be toppled, or no one is safe. Neither the Russians themselves nor anyone around them.

    Austria will soon say goodbye to Russian gas because Ukraine won’t allow the transit from January onwards.

    Kickl calls Orban his best buddy and his role model.

    Sadly, there is a good number of Austrians who seem to want exactly what Orban is already having.

    An anti European regime subservient to Moscow that is their wet dream, and at a little over a million, Austrians are seemingly fine with it or too blind to see what is going on.

    These two pro Russian vassals made their own Fraktion in Brussels for a reason.

    In general, we simply don’t need Russia because the times of colonial empires are over. We cannot go back to that time, it is forever gone.

    This fascist and the other fascist and their master have wet dreams of Fortresses and other Nazi BS. Kickl calls him a hands on leader at the summit of the state.

    There are, of course, some ultra reactionary crown loyalists that would want to see the times of Tsars and emperors return. Austria has been a target of Russian imperialism for a long time. The neutrality as such was achieved through blackmail. Stay neutral or get split in two like Germany, that was the deal.

    Neutrality aids the oppressor, never the oppressed. Mark Twain said it is easy to fool people. But it is much harder to convince them that they have been fooled. Neutrality will not protect Austria, only a strong integration into a European security concept can ensure our territorial integrity. Sadly, to discuss that openly remains difficult in Austria.

    The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct them to hold those in high esteem that think alike rather than those that think differently. It is not thoughts that need to be taught but thinking. Immanuel Kant

  2. Zusätzlich dazu wurden heute die Websites der ÖVP, SPÖ, NEOS und KPÖ gehackt.

  3. Mormaethor on

    Nein? Doch. Oh!

    Und der Westen tut weiter so, als hätte uns Russland nicht den Krieg erklärt.

  4. Haben die einen Pass liegen lassen oder woher weiß man das so genau? Dann müsste ja FPÖ zb dann nicht lahmgelegt worden sein.

  5. GeraintLlanfrechfa on

    Und das ist jetzt verwunderlich weil..? Es ist glaube ich mittlerweile einfacher, die nicht von Cyberangriffen betroffenen / beeinflussten Wahlen aufzuzählen.

  6. Hja aber die blauen wählen weil Russland es ja nur gut meint mit uns. Dabei muss man sich mal vorstellen was die russen in der Ukraine wegen Nazis gemacht hat. Man stelle sich vor was die da in Österreich veranstalten werden.

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