Labour nutzte die Analyse der Wasserwirtschaft, um gegen die Verstaatlichung zu argumentieren

Von callthesomnambulance


  1. lumpnsnots on

    How about the Government actually fund the regulator properly first (after 14 years of Tory decimation)?

    Presumably the ‘Govenrment employees’ within Ofwat, the DWI and the EA would continue to be the ones in charge of spend and costs in a renationalised water industry, so it feels like setting that up first and seeing if that makes any difference in the short term might be the most effective approach.

  2. EwokSuperPig___ on

    Somethings needs to be done before we renationalise water. It’s in too much of state to be brought right now. We are essentially paying for tons of debts and shitty facilities. They need to focus on the regulator and making sure all the companies can act up to code before the process of renationalising

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