Berichten zufolge haben ukrainische Angriffsdrohnen über Nacht das russische GRAU-Arsenal in Kotluban angegriffen. Nach Angaben lokaler Quellen und FIRMEN brennen in der Nähe des riesigen russischen Munitionslagers in der Oblast Wolgograd Brände. -Thread von @Osinttechnical

Von RoninSolutions


  1. As i remember there are 13 arsenals. How many are burnt down? 4/13 right now?

  2. leadMalamute on

    I couldn’t get the posted video from the posted site to load, but here are a couple more things to look at,



    It seems this is where they were storing the Iranian missiles and launchers……

  3. does GRAU acronym stand for something? i presume its not english based

  4. OmegaMordred on

    Amazing keep it up!

    Imaging how fast this war would collapse with the use of western guided missiles that destroyed all’13 of these on day 1 , sigh 🙁

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