Meine Urgroßmutter wurde in Cacak geboren, aber viele Serben, mit denen ich gesprochen habe, sagen, es sei die schlimmste Stadt Serbiens. Gibt es ein Stereotyp oder gibt es einen echten Grund? Und denken die Serben wirklich so über Cacak?

PS: Ja, ich bin Mazedonier, allerdings schreibe ich auf Englisch, weil ich Schwierigkeiten habe, die Antworten auf Serbisch zu verstehen. Ich lerne jedoch! 🙂 🙂

Von MissileMan1999


  1. geoRgLeoGraff on

    It’s become a stereotype maybe by coincidence that people from Čačak are cunning and bad. In reality many Čačani are hard working and fun people to be with. Maybe it’s due to their accent being a bit rough and sharp or due to their military history. Ofc, there are some proud people there so it might be that this vocal minority has influenced this stereotype.

  2. AffectionatePrint152 on

    Only thing i am gonna say is that they stole a whole house, everything includeing bricks. I think thats completely enough

  3. lospotezbrt on

    Some of the worst people you’ll ever meet, if you have the displeasure

  4. Small-Arugula-4719 on

    Go there yourself, slap the first person you see. Don’t worry you won’t make a mistake.

  5. petaosofronije on

    Annoying when a guy asks a genuine question and still the vast majority of comments are stupid memes by kids or immature adults. I personally never heard of this before Reddit, so it’s some modern bullshit.

    My first association to Čačak is a great tradition in basketball, from the best European (and beyond) basketball coach in history to various players and good shooters. Then there’s also some rock music tradition like the best Serbian guitar player Radomir Mihailović Točak, Bora Čorba..

  6. vevolution on

    During World War II, there was a civil war going on in Serbia, Partisans vs Chetniks, which were communist rebels and the King’s army respectively. Chetnik’s had their base in Čačak, and Partisans had their’s in Užice, not far from. After WWII, Yugoslavia was formed as a communist country, Partisan’s leader Tito became president, and Chetnik’s leader General Draža Mihajlović was executed in a secret location for being a collaborator with the Nazis.

    Word has it Tito didn’t visit Čačak much as a punishment, because it had retained much of Chetnik’s spirit. So it could be a remnant of that time.

    And it could be because, the way you spelled it, it has the word for poop in it’s name.

  7. FamiliarTechnology67 on

    Mim koji je bio smesan jer su prvobitno cacani shit talkovali cacak ali jebiga moraju bezkarakterni internet zavisnici poput ovih reditora ovde da svaku foru iole smesnu iscede do kraja. Cinjenica da na ozbiljno pitanje neko odgovara sa “cacak sranje ha ha”dovoljno govori.

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