Apples Hausaufgaben sind auf jeden Fall am Montag fällig, sagt Richter | Der Richter in Apples Epic-Klage sagt, der 30. September sei „tatsächlich die Frist“, nachdem er seinen Antrag auf Verzögerung der Erstellung von 1,3 Millionen Dokumenten abgelehnt hatte.


  1. Just wondering how many legal assistants the judge will be getting to analyze those documents, and what his deadline will be.

  2. Brave-Tangerine-4334 on

    This is the part where they try to prove to the judge they weren’t lying about their 27% fee for “linking to your website” being intended to subvert the judge’s ruling (upheld by supreme court) that blocking apps from linking to their website if it contains competing pricing and purchasing options is illegal.

    > He later supposes that with Apple’s resources, “it could probably review that many documents in a weekend” if it wanted to. But, he writes, producing the documents quickly “is all downside for Apple,” given how they relate to Epic’s allegations that the company hadn’t actually complied with Judge Gonzalez Rogers’ injunction.

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