Die russische Drohne Shahed-136 (Geran-2) traf das Krankenhaus in der Stadt Sumy. Sie trafen immer wieder dieselbe Stelle, als Polizei und Feuerwehr zur Rettung kamen.



  1. OwnTale7603 on

    Heartless pigs. It is an act of weakness. They cannot hit military targets so they go for hospitals to disrupt and lower morale. I hope that Ukraine forces manage to hit them 10x as hard on a training ground or military HQ.

  2. Big-Yam2723 on

    This Kind of War Crime happened in every Country, where Ruzzia was involved …… Afghanistan,Syria,Ukrainia ( just to Name the 3 most affected Countries) and there are much more countries !

  3. Mankinds_Backbone on

    Biden should finally allow the unrestricted use of all standoff weapons with medium and preferably long range. With this Russia, no deal can be made in the future, no relationship can be fixed, and no human dignity can be acknowledged anymore. Let them be bound to treacherous regimes like China and North Korea in their oil- and uranium-polluted Siberian hell. The West must finally turn its back on them for good. Russia is an eternal rogue state!

  4. Hopefully there will be some new sanctions against Russia for this cowardly act.

  5. automatensauce on

    Shouldn’t this be a(nother) red line? Or is this ok for western politicians and only russia has the ownership rights of red lines™?

  6. Alone-Subject-1317 on

    How I wish our 3 letter agencies in the west would have some balls like mossad and just assass all of the kremlin at the same time. They have the tech to easily do it.

  7. LifeAd1193 on

    What the actual fuck!!! Stop being pussies and give Ukraine what it needs to stop this from happening!!!

  8. Aethernath on

    Russia must pay for its warcrimes.
    Doing this even during the UN summit is even more infuriating.

  9. Wrong-Ad8188 on

    Fucking scum!!

    You have to put a 10 digit GPS grind into the all Shaheds to make fly , So there is no accident’s

    So they know know exactly what there doing!! hitting hospitals to kill the children & the doctors so no non combatants can be saved

    I don’t know how they can justify hitting a hospital & then they get on here & it make me so angry saying that’s Ukrainian air defence & try take back what they did & spin it for there own people

    It’s Over a 1000 medical & hospitals hit by the Russian scum! I think it’s gone past 700+ hospitals hit by RU

  10. Acceptable-Ad-9464 on

    We can not let these Russian pigs win. Russia the most hated country at this point. Putin must ☠️

  11. SetInternational4589 on

    Double tap a fucking hospital and then Russia talks about their red lines and the West is worried about escalating things. Fuck Putin.

  12. Far_Ticket2386 on

    I am just so fed up with this, i have been in Ukraine in 2022 winter. Sadly i dont have militaire experience but my blood is boiling.

    Want to go back i cant see this anymore when our pussy governments just dont get rid of the cancer named ruSSia.

    It is fucking 2024 and everybody knows how world war 2 started, how is it possible..

  13. Novel_Source372 on

    They really are the lowest of the low aren’t they, they need dismantling as a race !

  14. -lokal-doge- on

    No, the police men with the heavy bleeding head, NOOOO!

    Screw ruzzia, putin should get r@ped for this until the end of his lifetime!

    Fuuuck, this was infuriating and sad to watch, Slava Ukraini! 💛💙😭

    But also F*CK those “each other cock sucking countries” like iraq, afrika, china and other’s that support puta putini!!!

  15. Both_Variation_9159 on

    It’s called terrorism. Their embassy in my city is open, and has a Xitter account where they thank for ‘all the support’… or keep spreading old lies about the Donbas ‘genocide’. More recently their ambassador threatened the whole country. A EU country. Embassy still open. Why are their propaganda and spying shops still open?

  16. Imaginary-Rhubarb647 on

    Trump supports these double taps but doesn’t fancy his own treble tap. That may be the only thing that will save Ukraine. American people please wake the fuck up. You are voting for putler if you vote Trump. Are you insane?

  17. EdgeleyTangerine on

    It’s about time the west gave Ukraine unrestricted use of long range missiles alongside other military support. We have enabled Putin for too long and the Ukrainian people are suffering for it.

  18. Conscious-Ad-1848 on

    Russia is a terrorist state and should be banend from the UN Security council at once

  19. FU-Noway2023 on

    War criminal’s to the bone… why no arrest as on the Balkan war??? Haag & UN 🤬😤🤢

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