Herr Snyder hat seinen Sitz


Von UNITED24Media


  1. America has been able to enforce this “rule” by fighting only expeditionary wars since WW2 so yeah I can understand why this kind of misconception has developed. Doesnt make it anymore true tough.

  2. Berlin and Washington have designated Ukraine as the warzone and declared russian missile bases are safespaces. While russia is destroying Ukraine’s vital infrastructure, Scholz and Biden only try to mitigate the disaster, because they wont allow Ukraine to prevent it from happening in the first place. Their cowardice or cynical pragmatism actually gives credence to Putin’s red lines, which Ukraine has already prooven is nothing but posturing. Their hessitation is prolonging the war, a European war that has already lasted ten years, because russian energy deliveries, where more important than defending Europe.

    After this war there needs to be a disussoon about EU’s complicity, negligence and cowardice. Once Ukraine joins EU and NATO, I hope all those countries, who’s warnings were ignored and dismissed will form an alliance to stand up against Best-europe, who claim to be most moral and free, but have shown to be virtual signaling and reluctant to defend those values.

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