Gelähmter Jockey kann nicht mehr gehen, nachdem Hersteller sich weigert, die Batterie für sein 100.000 US-Dollar teures Exoskelett zu reparieren


    1. RedditUser888889 on

      I am not a bot, but I will summarize this article:

      > Sign up for free access to this post

      Most interesting post I have read all day

    2. ogodilovejudyalvarez on

      After months of ignoring a helpless, disabled man, they fixed it as soon as the news went public. Fucking assholes.

    3. In a statement to The Verge, Lifeward spokesperson Kathleen O’Donnell said the company is “pleased to report that we got in touch with Mr. Straight last week, and we were able to resolve the issue with his device over the weekend.”

      i.e we knew exactly how to get in touch with him but hoped it would blow over.

      Fixed in a weekend too, all that stress for what was probably a few hours max to improve/return someone’s quality of life and independence.

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