Vor fast genau 10 Jahren begann die zweite Schlacht am Flughafen Donezk, nachdem russische Streitkräfte einen Waffenstillstand verletzt und den Flughafen angegriffen hatten. Die ukrainischen Verteidiger hielten fast vier Monate durch, bis ihre Positionen überrannt wurden. Diese Soldaten wurden von den Astonished Invaders „Cyborgs“ genannt.




    The Ukrainians held out until they were all captured or killed, they made the Russians pay for every inch of Ukrainian land they stole.

    The heroes live on in the memories of a grateful world.

  2. maChine___ on

    A movie name cyborgs was made in Ukraine on 2018 if my memory is good

  3. Present-Register-157 on

    Now that are people who really believe in there freedom and protecting their loved ones and country.

    Unlike the orange ass in the states

  4. FlimsyPomelo1842 on

    Anyone have that clip of the military parade where they sang Putin kurwa?

  5. Unlucky-Associate266 on

    Remember that bit of treachery when someone suggests a deal with the Russians. Until Ukraine and its supporters demonstrate to Russia that they can beat the invaders and enforce a deal, there is no point in making a deal. Otherwise, Russia will only break the deal later if they think they can get away with it, just as they did with that ceasefire and with the Minsk agreement.

  6. Ebolaboy24 on

    Let’s not forget the deal that started Russia down this path of ongoing aggression – the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact between Stalin and Hitler. All Putin is trying to do is reverse the end of that illegal agreement from WW2 and ultimately retake the Baltics. Ukraine just happens to be in the way. Slava Ukraini. 🇺🇦

  7. They weren’t overrun. The russians planted explosives under them when they were allowed to retrieve their KIA. I am fortunate to personally know a few of the cyborgs.

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