Ukrainische FPV-Drohne zielt auf Gruppe russischer Infanterie in der Region Kursk (September 2024)

Von SweetT2003



    To be real, that was a really good drop, also looked like the golden tradition of trying to run perpendicular from a drone in panic as opposed to sideways/scattering.

  2. Square-Pineapple-135 on

    it’s just like in horror movies where you think “why are these pro(an- in this case)tagonists running together and in a straight line?”

  3. wellrateduser on

    Is that the famous special forces they brought in to drive back Ukraine? Seems to be going great dor Russia /s

  4. orcKaptain on

    Where is all the footage from the Russian FPV squads? Why do we mostly only get 1 perspective in here?

  5. heret1c1337 on

    the drone operators over there probably dream about something like this.

  6. loading066 on

    Bunch up – bunch up – bunch u… ahhhhh, yes. Like that thank you.

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