JD Vance sagte, Trump habe in seiner ersten Amtszeit „keine Ergebnisse geliefert“. Ahahaha



  1. Son0fSanf0rd on

    Republicans are the most disgusting human beings on the planet.

    come at me bro

  2. DementiaInsomnia on

    So did the furniture rental place after they Googled his name

  3. BebophoneVirtuoso on

    Trump tacitly admits this any time he discusses big plans on issues that he failed to achieve in his first term.

  4. Porksword_4U on

    And, at one point…called him Hitler.

    How the fuck are there so many losers in this great country?!

  5. onceinawhile222 on

    Did Donald not understand how the app works for Uber eats. Did he keep sending your stuff to someone else?

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