Das neue kalifornische Gesetz besagt, dass digitale Geschäfte nicht den Eindruck erwecken können, dass Sie ein Spiel kaufen, wenn Sie es lediglich lizenzieren



    1. belovedeagle on

      The actual bill is very short. If you are interested in this, you should read it instead of believing what an industry spokesperson tells you about it.

      The bill essentially requires a new section of T&C, although because it vaguely requires a “separate and distinct” notice, it may end up as a new link alongside T&C.

      It would have been far easier to write a better law which requires the word “license” to appear next to “buy” or “purchase” in identical font. But since this isn’t actually a consumer protection law, that would be counterproductive.

    2. Global-Tie-3458 on

      Kind of a shame this wouldn’t apply to general software too… raise hands anyone that ever got screwed by an app you purchased that got switched to a subscription model.

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