Während der Ukraine-Krieg in eine kritische Phase eintritt, schreitet die EU ohne die USA voran | AP-Nachrichten


Von Human-Entrepreneur77


  1. SlavaUkrainiFTW on

    Meanwhile, the US just signed off on $8B more aid yesterday.

  2. LizzyGreene1933 on

    Wonderful news , all the allies’ help and support is fantastic ❤️ 🇬🇧

  3. Beneficial_North1824 on

    Is this what the US wants? That this play to be performed without them? Meaning the EU will drastically increase its military budgets and heavily equip themselves.

    So much effort was put in demilitarizing Ukraine through the past 30 years. All US presidents have been visiting Ukraine to ensure their facilities are destroyed and I believe something similar was in relation to other European countries. And now everything needs to be reversed

  4. CaptainSur on

    So European countries continue to step up.

    One matter the article was not clear upon: is the Canada/Japan/UK package of $10 billion still proceeding? I assume it is but once the article segues into “the EU has decided to go at it alone” (in the Reworking a G7 Loan Plan section) there is no further discussion on the CJUK funding tranche.

  5. old_and_boring_guy on

    Good. Expecting the US to do it all is not a good idea the way our politics are going right now.

  6. ninjanoodlin on

    The EU is its own sovereign entity. They don’t need to wait on the US to do everything

  7. GuillotineComeBacks on

    EU itself has never really moved on conflicts before Ukraine (and the EU is hardly sync with the US on this), because it’s not this kind of organization.

    Members move, and not really with the US, hell there is even a world between France and Germany on this. NATO involved itself in some conflicts, but EU has nothing to do with that.

    This is a nonsensical title written from an US centric pov.

  8. Away-Lynx8702 on

    Europe & Ukraine need to ”grow up” and end their reliance on the US.

  9. dontsheeple on

    The EU should have “moved ahead” in 2014, but reminiscent of previous European conflicts, sat on their hands and hoped for the best. Now they have a much bigger problem, and they seemed determined to use the same approach.

  10. Worried-Pick4848 on

    American here. Good. please do. It may be necessary. We’re trying to contain the poison but it’s proving difficult.

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