[OC] Ich habe mein Körpergewicht von 15 bis 25 verfolgt

Von Froggy_Fun_Day


  1. Interesting data, presented terribly.

    We know how numbers work. Don’t put every number on the axis. This will allow you to put larger, more readable, numbers. And add horizontal lines at the major numbers.

    Also your weight over time isn’t a scatter chart. Do lines, not dots.

    This should also remove the need to label each data point.

  2. Why does your weight fluctuate so much? There are multiple +/- 40-50 lbs here.

  3. poolgoso1594 on

    Should’ve added vertical lines to explain the big swings with stuff like “started working out 3x a week”, “started new job”. Would make it more interesting

  4. puffferfish on

    What was your approach to going from 214-173. I’ve literally done this before, I think around the same age also. I just ate and ate one semester of college and then decided to make a change. Dropped from 220-175 over the summer.

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