Ukrainischer Trupp, unterstützt von Drohnen, greift eingebettete russische Einheit an, verursacht Verluste und einen Rückzug der Russen

Von -Apex__Predator-


  1. -Apex__Predator- on

    I don’t think those 2 Russians ever came out of that basement. Imagine when this is all over and someone goes down there to start the process of rebuilding and sees the gruesome horror that awaits.

  2. Jimmythebob on

    As a long-time CombatFootage subscriber, I’m still blown away by how much we’re able to see from this war. It used to be mostly POV stuff where you couldn’t really tell what was going on. Now I’m watching drones tracking other drones chasing infantry who are literally running for their lives or getting hit, and you can actually see full troop movements. It’s crazy, and honestly, I’m still not used to it—just constantly in awe.

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