Tory-Politikerin Baroness Sayeeda Warsi tritt als Parteivorsitzende zurück, nachdem sie im Vorfeld einer Untersuchung ihrer Sprache einen „Ruck ganz nach rechts“ der Partei behauptet hatte

Von topotaul


  1. FrostySquirrel820 on

    >> ““Complaints were received regarding divisive language allegedly used by Baroness Sayeeda Warsi”

    I’d be interested to know what she said as, in my limited experience, her language is a lot less divisive than certain right-wing members of her former party.

  2. I wonder how many of them prefix her surname with an ‘s’ behind her back.

  3. Blows my mind that any Tories have the gall to resign based on ‘political integrity’ after the toilet fire that was the last decade.

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