Eine ukrainische Bodendrohne zerstört einen russischen Schutzraum unter einem Bahnübergang in Pokrowski.

    Von ProTupper


    1. grantite_spall on

      Wonder how far the ground drone needed to travel to get to the target — 3-5 KM, more?

    2. Tropicalcomrade221 on

      Fuck artillery, just drive the shell up next to them. That’ll learn em.

    3. vbpoweredwindmill on

      What kind of cyberpunk dystopian future do we live in.

      A real glance at warfare between peer states.

    4. Interesting-Fuel-750 on

      Is ‘ground drone’ a thing? I figured the term would be something like ‘remote controlled vehicle’.

    5. InternetCovid on

      If this comes towards you, do you shoot it? What can you do without risking pre detonation

    6. redditzphkngarbage on

      “No, no, no the artillery division is that way, you’ve got the wrong address…”

    7. Away_Masterpiece_976 on

      Was that the fucking general dynamics looking mechanical dog? Imagine that thing waltzing into your hideout

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