Zurich Film Festival: Öffentliche Vorführungen von Russians at War abgesagt


Von neveks


  1. “Absolutely dreadful, I destest the violations of free speech here. It’s possible that Ukrainians caused the film to be canceled, especially since Zelensky is visiting the US today. Could this be a deeper op? Hey, don’t look at me, I’m just asking questions. ” 

     -Morons seething at this.

  2. Accurate_Storm2588 on

    Wish they would have cancelled that propaganda crap because it was, well, blatant propaganda. But at least they cancelled it.

  3. Or in other words, ZFF shifts the blame on some imaginary threats, when in fact they fear the embarassment and exposure a public screening would cause.

  4. Pleiades_Wolf on

    They shouldn’t have even allowed this to be screened in the first place. But at least they cancelled it I guess.

  5. Inglorious555 on

    Hopefully it’s actually cancelled this time

    It seemed like there was alot of back and forth going on

  6. “Safety reasons”, lol, pathetic

    (or maybe that’s the only thing they can say for contract & legal reasons?)

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