Ukrainische Artillerieangriffe auf russische Infanterie treiben diese in die Luft. Juni 2023, Vuhledar. 72. Mechanisierte Brigade. Musik aus der Quelle

Von dkrandu


  1. Recipe-Local on

    The old logic of “a shell doesn’t fall in the same place twice” is definitely out the door.

  2. Swingdick69 on

    That first astronaut was still moving after his landing…

    Edit: *cosmonaut

  3. I was just about to express surprise at how anyone in that formation actually survived when the second projectile hit…

  4. UnendedSilence on

    So accurate you’d almost think they stepped on something. Must have had that spot dialed in.

  5. I wasn’t ready for Angry Birds, they should’ve used it for some FPV drone videos

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