„Nein zum Krieg, wähle Frieden“ Wahlkampfbanner erscheinen in Tiflis, die Fotoaufnahmen der Ukraine verwenden


Von guramika


  1. Itchy-Reading-9358 on

    This is sickening and I would like to apologize to Ukrainians for my government! Geroyam Slava!

  2. Taiwanballese on

    I guess Russians really brainwashed Georgians and its their country.

  3. for a nation of proud people this is something else. how they keep getting elected?

  4. GothicEmperor on

    Utterly revolting how the ‘Georgian Dream’ government uses the threat of a Russian invasion to intimidate its own population into submission. I hope you manage to vote them out in the upcoming election 🤞🏻
    (Not sure they’ll actually leave willingly but I’m sure you’m deal with that once you get there)

  5. notnotapreviousagent on

    This makes me physically sick. Just when you think they can’t stoop any lower, they do. I have no words to describe how disgusting this is. Truly sickening.

  6. asiasbutterfly on

    Isn’t Georgia technically at war for 16 years with it being a stalemate cause nobody signed any peace agreements?

  7. Straightforward example of “The real reasons why Putin started the war: to justify his propaganda in the nearest countries”. He is literally creating hell, taking pictures and using it to advertise himself

  8. KingOfStupidThigs on

    I saw one of them today, with buses, and thought it was a photo of the 2008 war.

    But if this is a photo from Ukraine, then it’s really terrible!

  9. Anyone knows the location? There are some eggs that went bad and I need a good target

  10. Corporate_Entity on

    Isn’t this the same rhetoric Putin is pushing through his American whore, Trump?

    “If you are invaded just yield. Why risk being hurt?, just yield and let them take your belongings, your land, let them rape your wife and children…resistance will only result in more bloodshed” is what they’re essentially saying.

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