1. BoringGoldfish on

    It’s been apparent for a while now for them it’s expansive cheating or prison

  2. Alan_Wench on

    Trump knows that nothing he says or does will shake his voter base, and Republicans are going all-in on voter suppression and undermining trust in the eventual results (unless Trump wins, then they won’t question those results AT ALL!). He may as well put it into cruise control for the rest of his campaign.

  3. mittenknittin on

    What kind of sorry excuse for a news website is that? “Trump’s team is concerned as he spends more time golfing and criticizing Kamala Harris instead of focusing on his campaign, he has also refused a second debate with Harris his team is worried about this.” It’s written like a high-schooler at 11pm who forgot they had a 5-page essay due the next day.

  4. Crowbar_Faith on

    For someone born into such wealth and luck, he sure is such a huge victim according to him. 

    I really hope Kamala Harris beats him in the election, and then his grab for power will finally be over. Then the only time we see his rancid name in the headlines will be fore his numerous court dates and sentences.

  5. Expensive-Career-672 on

    McDonald’s, golf, golf, McDonald’s, golf McDonald’s, McDonald’s, McDonald’s golf, and at the same time

  6. African-Child on

    Honestly, I think he’s so confident in what the GOP has done to rig the election in his favor that he doesn’t have to try. He thinks that the framework is in place that he’ll win regardless of what the actual vote says.

  7. Castle-Fire on

    Even Fox Entertainment Channel called him out on not wanting to do another debate. That’s when you know it’s bad

  8. easythrees on

    Don’t get complacent! Please make sure to check your registration and vote! Also please consider volunteering to help get the vote out!!

  9. Wooden-Emotion-9875 on

    trumps faults seem pretty bloody hard to miss. After all, it’s impossible to read a single tweet, or hear him speak a sentence or two, without staring deep into the abyss. He turns being artless into an art form; he is a Picasso of pettiness; a Shakespeare of shit. His faults are fractal: even his flaws have flaws, and so on ad infinitum. God knows there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid. He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart. In fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws – he would make a Trump.

  10. EffTheAdmin on

    It definitely seems like he’s trying to lose but cult 45 is still going strong

  11. captorofsin79 on

    Wish the internet would say, “he has stopped breathing” instead. Soon enough…

  12. Super_Albatross_6283 on

    Yeah sure but he hasn’t really stopped trying can we not with this lame ass shit

  13. He knows by now he isn’t going to win. He’s counting on his minions in red states and in Congress to go to bat for him. Disrupt, delay, deny…. that’s the toolbox.

  14. Momentofclarity_2022 on

    He doesn’t need to try. He’s got the courts and critical people certifying votes. He’ll win.

  15. BillionYrOldCarbon on

    Dead meat rotting carcass on his way to his new home in prison. Put the champagne on ice folks! The Wicked Witch is done.

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