Das 4. Bataillon der Operationsmission „Freiheitskräfte“ der 4. BrOP „Rubizh“ schlägt den russischen Angriff mit Unterstützung von zwei MT-LBs in Richtung Siwerski zurück. Zu Beginn des Angriffs wurde die Maschine mit einer Javelin und FPV-Drohnen getroffen.

Von Owbe


  1. i’ve seen so many of these that the inevitability of it almost makes me feel sorry for them.


  2. Fit_Caregiver3247 on

    That thing took quite some hits before being disabled damn

  3. SwitchOnTheNiteLite on

    Camo works really well, until they flip on the thermals.

  4. These are the type of long format footage edits that i prefer. K-2 54th brigade had several battles that where shown in this format/edit style. It gives me a much better idea of the battle then seeing several short 30sec clip from it.

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