Selenskyj warnt: „halbherzige“ Pläne zur Beendigung des Krieges ignorieren die Interessen der Ukraine


    1. Tnargkiller on

      > “it’s impossible to truly and fairly resolve matters of war and peace” at the UN due to Russia’s veto power in the Security Council.

      Give Russia’s Security Council seat to Ukraine.

    2. Sea-Storm375 on

      Zelensky comes off as though he feels like he/Ukraine is “owed” something. The US doesn’t owe Ukraine anything. If we want to provide them assistance that can come with any conditions or limitations we want. If they don’t like that, they are free to refuse it.

    3. AnotherUsername901 on

      Why does Russia still have a seat at the table their words mean nothing.

      If you act like a child you should be kicked off the adults table and have a seat and the child’s table.

    4. Sea_Appointment8408 on

      You’d think the whole point of a democratic UN would be that all the member states could vote in or out who should be on the security council.

      I appreciate that has its own set of risks but if a security council member is literally threatening WW3 for a land grab, then the Nazis are already on the seat and need stopping.

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