They take off and land better than any soyuz spacecrap can do.
TheBattleGnome on
There is one guy on the left still moving. I can’t imagine he lived for much longer.
Competitive-Ranger61 on
That’s why they ride the top so they don’t die in the fireball of an AT mine. Except no one told them about the flying and the occasional flying on fire.
cultureicon on
Can you imagine a video coming out like this and that country’s populace just doing absolutely nothing, no reaction, no demand for change? Sick fucks! Can someone Max Headroom Russian TV and just play this non stop?
purpleefilthh on
Worth the money.
nooneisgonnaknoww on
Way to stick the landing
DeepDescription81 on
Kremlin: New ejector seats worked perfectly. All survived.
MixMastaMiz on
Oopphhhh that is a rough one!
Responsible-Bet-237 on
The sound track goes very well with this clip.
MalcomSkullHead on
That one guy that just stays intact with his arms spread
OldCommunication1321 on
I can almost hear the Wilhelm scream lol.
MagicSPA on
Good. May it happen one thousand times per day for as long as this atrocious invasion continues.
Go home, terrorists. Go home, rapists.
MoreSoftware2736 on
Oliver Onions
Flying through the air
Side by side we dip bend and climb
Flying through the air so free
Feel them left behind below us
Flying through the air
Cosmonaut wings should be forthcoming.
It’s as if they were thrown about like toys
I count 4 flying.
Old but gold
Wish the vid was much longer.
Shooting Czars
Looks like someone’s got a case of the mondays
40 points.
They take off and land better than any soyuz spacecrap can do.
There is one guy on the left still moving. I can’t imagine he lived for much longer.
That’s why they ride the top so they don’t die in the fireball of an AT mine. Except no one told them about the flying and the occasional flying on fire.
Can you imagine a video coming out like this and that country’s populace just doing absolutely nothing, no reaction, no demand for change? Sick fucks! Can someone Max Headroom Russian TV and just play this non stop?
Worth the money.
Way to stick the landing
Kremlin: New ejector seats worked perfectly. All survived.
Oopphhhh that is a rough one!
The sound track goes very well with this clip.
That one guy that just stays intact with his arms spread
I can almost hear the Wilhelm scream lol.
Good. May it happen one thousand times per day for as long as this atrocious invasion continues.
Go home, terrorists. Go home, rapists.
Oliver Onions
Flying through the air
Side by side we dip bend and climb
Flying through the air so free
Feel them left behind below us
Flying through the air
Russian’s space program
Wow, they come with wings now?
we got some good ones today! 👏