Was ist mit Leuchttürmen? Hier ist die Weltkarte, darauf bist du nicht vorbereitet.


Von gyeraktamas


  1. Atlantic_Nikita on

    The fact that Australia has “black spots” is surprising to me. One would thing they would be all around. Any aussie out there can explain that?

  2. This cannot be right. Never is it night over all continents at the same time.

  3. The weirdest for me is the almost total absence of lighthouses in Java and Sumatra. Aren’t those really important choke points for global maritime trade?

    Also the inner gulf in Baja California seems empty 🤔

  4. no_use_your_name on

    Only the island heavy nations like Greece, Japan, Philippines and Malaysia are interesting.

  5. The amount on the US Great Lakes is interesting.  At first glance you’d think you were looking at an ocean coastline 

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