Took longer than I thought it would for either side to shoot.
America202 on
Damn. That was brutal. Just like a video game too.
burgermeister96 on
Damn receiving 3 HUGE rounds then exploding by the rounds you are about to fire. Brutal
Liquid-Snake-2021 on
nolotusnote on
That parallax is a bitch.
XBlackFireX on
Modern day mexican stand-offs? At least that guy didn’t panic and took his time entering a tripod postion with his legs.
SchemeIcy5170 on
Neat personal secondaries.
Kirkyman67 on
clowns really saying that their side ain’t the terrorists…
DumpyMcAss2nd on
Its weird how im scrolling my feed and watch a human being get obliterated by a black and white feed with a crosshair on it. Almost kind of anti climactic? Like a bad video game
ConsistentContest911 on
Did the rpg blow up afterward 😆 🤣
kylethesnail on
“The guy was splattered into tomato juice, the RPG warhead hit the ground and ka-boom there goes the guy”
*logs the soldiers in his journal
Yourlocaltroll34 on
Another peaceful UNRWA worker .
Dickavinci on
Since it’s a replay, I would be interested to know the chain of coms. Not only did the gunner struggle to properly aim due to high sensitivity but he also hold fire for a while.
I would have thought the gunner would have just sprayed the alley in fear of getting RPGed.
Sea-Bet2466 on
When In doubt double tap gd
Commercial_Soft6833 on
This is why mouse+kb > console scrubs with joystick controllers in FPS games
chantingeagle on
Is this the gunners view of that video going around of that guy taking a headshot while aiming the rpg?
Win-Objective on
Controller sensitivity turned up too high, they have to practice before turning it up to 9 or 10
Hep_C_for_me on
Da fuq did he get shot with.
texas130ab on
Todeskreuz2 on
alone from watching this shit gave me anxiety
9babydill on
This is exactly why mouse and keyboard are far superior to controllers in First Person Shooters. Bro needed aim assist
CoconutCossacks on
Wtf was that the rpg warhead exploding?
BlackHawk2609 on
Abu hajar too slow…
Alon32145 on
What was the bigger explosion after he fell down?
Cancerix1700 on
Too high controls sensitivity.
barukatang on
I feel like this aiming device needs more control fidelity.
Took longer than I thought it would for either side to shoot.
Damn. That was brutal. Just like a video game too.
Damn receiving 3 HUGE rounds then exploding by the rounds you are about to fire. Brutal
That parallax is a bitch.
Modern day mexican stand-offs? At least that guy didn’t panic and took his time entering a tripod postion with his legs.
Neat personal secondaries.
clowns really saying that their side ain’t the terrorists…
Its weird how im scrolling my feed and watch a human being get obliterated by a black and white feed with a crosshair on it. Almost kind of anti climactic? Like a bad video game
Did the rpg blow up afterward 😆 🤣
“The guy was splattered into tomato juice, the RPG warhead hit the ground and ka-boom there goes the guy”
*logs the soldiers in his journal
Another peaceful UNRWA worker .
Since it’s a replay, I would be interested to know the chain of coms. Not only did the gunner struggle to properly aim due to high sensitivity but he also hold fire for a while.
I would have thought the gunner would have just sprayed the alley in fear of getting RPGed.
When In doubt double tap gd
This is why mouse+kb > console scrubs with joystick controllers in FPS games
Is this the gunners view of that video going around of that guy taking a headshot while aiming the rpg?
Controller sensitivity turned up too high, they have to practice before turning it up to 9 or 10
Da fuq did he get shot with.
alone from watching this shit gave me anxiety
This is exactly why mouse and keyboard are far superior to controllers in First Person Shooters. Bro needed aim assist
Wtf was that the rpg warhead exploding?
Abu hajar too slow…
What was the bigger explosion after he fell down?
Too high controls sensitivity.
I feel like this aiming device needs more control fidelity.
*This kills the terrorist.*
When you take too long to fire