Tötung russischer Kommandeure [zeroing] Berichten zufolge nimmt die Zahl der Opfer unter den eigenen Soldaten zu. Ein Video eines Soldaten behauptet, sein Kommandant „Pizhon“ habe dies für ihn und andere geplant. Er bittet darum, nicht als „vermisst“ zu gelten, sollte er verschwinden. Aufgenommen am 18. September, und seit einigen Tagen hat er sich nicht mehr gemeldet.



  1. Uniqornicopia on

    Stupid fucking sheep. This is the dumbest lemming shit I have ever seen.

  2. Imaginary_Pack_622 on

    To be fair, I am perfectly fine with ruZZians killing ruZZians all day long. Definitely better than killing other people!

  3. troublesome_imp on

    The sheeple of the Russian Federation. Pick up a gun and fight against your oppressor is not in their vocabulary.

  4. instantkopio on

    Stupid Russian, If I knew for certain my commander would kill me I’d take him out first,

  5. “Mixed emotions, buddy. Like Larry Wildman going off a cliff in my new Maserati”

    Gordon Gekko. Wall Street (1987)

  6. Dismal-Attitude-5439 on

    Question: Why is this happening? Do they (The russian army) have a budget cap or what?

  7. LizzyGreene1933 on

    So he will be sent to z army front line because he needs medical help?

  8. like sheep to the slaughter…uncapable of a single original thought

    pick up your AK and frag Pizhon!

  9. Nottamused- on

    Generations being flushed down the toilet for one man’s polluted dream.

  10. stairs_3730 on

    Either way, if you know you’re a dead man walking why on earth wouldn’t you go out fighting for your last breath? Pathetic they’re so indifferent about their own lives. I don’t get it.

  11. DetailCharacter3806 on

    What I don’t understand is why there’s no widespread fragging of of officers

  12. Stunning-Ad9030 on

    Warum entscheidet er sich nicht für das Leben ?

    Einfach überlaufen und sich ergeben und kein zurück.

  13. BornToScheme on

    🗣️Don’t count me missing, fam needs that bag of potatoes 🥔

  14. “some disguised as Baba Yaga”… assuming not the Ukrainian drone version; that’s happening as well of course tho

  15. FluidPraline4968 on

    Commanders murdering their own soldiers isn’t helpful to a cohesive unit. A 100 member strong company size grouping of russians may have the fighting force of a midsize (30ish) Ukrainian Platoon

  16. Too bad orc. You and your mates should of done a pre-emptive strike against your commander.

  17. NemeSisWiberg on

    Just band together and shoot the commander and then surrender if you really want a chance, even if its slim its better than rushing meatgrinder.

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