Trump macht USA für Krieg in der Ukraine verantwortlich


  1. WTFiswrongdude on

    He sounds a lot like Putin. Oh yes, I almost forgot, he’s Putin boy

  2. Of course, he loves Putin…the worst President in US history! He’s going to lose this election and I can’t wait to be part of it!

  3. Russian controlled mouthpiece doing Russian controlled mouthpiece things.

  4. Dante-Flint on

    Member when he withheld funding to leverage the Ukrainians to dig up dirt on Hunter Biden? I member.

  5. ViewAdditional7400 on

    Total amount of U.S. aid 56 billion. Trump: “Every time he comes here he asks for $60 billion”. Bro, stfu.

  6. onlineseller8183 on

    Treasonous yesterday, treasonous today and treasonous tomorrow.

  7. wombat6168 on

    How the hell can republicans not be so embarrassed about this idiot. A laughing stock on the world stage

  8. Final_Pension_3353 on

    This guy knows prison is coming if he loses, and he’s losing.

  9. DevonianWessex on

    If he wants to believe that, can he at least admit that the only nation responsible for how Russia has behaved in Ukraine is Russia? Russia is by no means a victim, and it’s evil is not collateral damage of US or western policy.

  10. Mike_Michaelson on

    And let’s not forget what [Vance suggested](, that Haitian and “other” legally protected migrants are illegal aliens and should be deported. This means that close to 300,000 Ukrainians sponsored by US citizens should also be deported, but they’re not mentioned directly because the Ukrainians have the support of US veterans and their skin is too light to gain racist traction.

  11. melonheadorion1 on

    i havent voted in quite a long time, because its always the lesser of two evils. this year, im voting, and i gave them both an opportunity. neither of them, i want to vote for, but the lesser of two evils is not trump this time, to me anyway. there are a few things that had me questioning my vote. one of htem was the project 2025, which he claims is not his ideas, the second was ukraine vs russia. without the west, ukraine gets overrun. no question. i dont forsee anything trump says, detering putin from what he started. the pro russian reddits, and fb posts want trump to win, because they know that russia will take ukraine after that. the last deciding factor was the pets comment. need i say more. he is like his followers. hear one thing, and run with it as facts, without looking into it to confirm validity

  12. ApologiseMeowMeow on

    I can’t get my head around the fact that these traitorous cunts are pretty much pro Russian, Russia are not America’s friends.

  13. Full-Adhesiveness588 on

    He is correct. Russia took advantage of our weak, incompetent administration.

  14. Um, we have a global archive history that it started in 2012 under your US Leadership. Everyone saw how you kissed up Russia, China, North Korea and any other Authoritarian that praised you. You abandoned the Kurds in Syria, Pulled US out of Afghanstan and spending every day of your life blaming Biden/Harris.

  15. I call bull on trumps claim of no terrorist attacks. There were 4, I recall

  16. Professional-Echo332 on

    He is mad that his main source of funding decided to stick its dick in an anthill. Fuck him and anyone who supports him at this point.

  17. CreamXpert on

    This dude prefers to shit on his own country and defend Russia. It’s pretty high in the treason scale.

  18. Considering this ass wipe can’t be bothered to read more than a page of writing, is it any wonder he develops such wildly inaccurate ideas and unrealistic policies related to geopolitical issues?

  19. brotherkobe on

    C’mon USA, we all like to poke fun at each other and have a little jibe here and there, but you’ve taken it too far now, and you’ve made it too easy. Get rid of this grotesque moron so we can get along with normal shit politics.

  20. Old_Fart52 on

    This fucking guy, he needs to be put out of American politics and not just for America’s sake.

  21. MidLifeCrysis75 on

    This orange fuck is a traitor. Fuck him and ANYONE who votes for him.

  22. He is pissed that Zelensky called him out and said he has no plan to end the war.

  23. Trumpisacuck4Putin on

    Once a useful idiot always a useful idiot. And a racist, and a sexual predator, and a con artist, and a liar, and….

  24. Watch “From russia with Lev”
    It was far, far worse than we knew then.

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