[OC] Gehaltsentwicklung für Unternehmen nach Dienstalter (DS/AI/ML-Jobs)

Von Immediate_Capital442


  1. Showing only salary is only telling half the story. The total compensation, particularly at Nvidia, is a lot higher than this due to RSUs (stock grants).

  2. Erollins04 on

    Just a note – Directors and VPs are not typically equivalent. With Senior Director also in between, VP is often 2 full steps up from Director, in my experience.

  3. Fit_Statement5347 on

    Not this guy plugging his shitty inaccurate website again…

    If you do even a second of googling, you’ll see that Harnham is a recruiting agency, not an actual company that hires DS

  4. RowRowRowRobert on

    Another ugly graph sigh…. This plot will be so much better if you just do x axis = seniority, y axis = salary or total comp, then different lines for different companies. You can even do a box plot for each point along the line to show median and outliers

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