Hallo Freunde!

Ich habe eine Frage, ob das legal ist… während meines Aufenthalts in Durres bemerkte ich, dass in einem Café namens "6 Schönheit" direkt neben dem Byzantinischen Forum werden zwei Affen und ein Papagei in sehr kleinen Käfigen gehalten, was meiner Meinung nach als Tierquälerei gelten sollte. Die Käfige sind wirklich klein und die Affen schienen ziemlich verstört zu sein? Ist das legal? Ist die Polizei vielleicht zu schwach? Kann man etwas dagegen tun (außer schlechte Bewertungen auf Google Maps zu hinterlassen)?

Vielen Dank im Voraus für die Antworten. Abgesehen davon muss ich sagen, dass mir mein Aufenthalt in Albanien sehr gefallen hat und ich würde gern irgendwann wieder dorthin reisen!


Von d4v1d_dp


  1. Mammoth-Database-728 on

    Brother ,idk what country you are from that you think this is abuse , it’s an attraction for children and other people.
    Enjoy your stay and remember your country’s values aren’t the same everywhere 

  2. No it’s not legal. For the real experience, you have to report it to the authorities and watch them ignore you and your complaint in real time lol

    There is an organization PPNEA which is dedicated to protect the enviroment and the animals in Albania, so send your compalint to them them.

  3. Environmental_Hand18 on

    Damn I recognised it and then you mentioned durres. I was there too!

  4. I remember once when I visited Albania back in like the 1st or 2nd grade I was at a restaurant and outside there were three bear cubs in a cage. I remember giving them some stuff to eat and me playing with them. But in reality it’s really sad.

  5. Brawl_Stars_Bro on

    Absolutely not. But here in our country, people don’t take things seriously and think backwards.

  6. BetImaginary4945 on

    We jailed the monkey because he was a Russian collaborator in the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. The parrot was also part of this terroristic group helping with reconessance, so now they must entertain our children as penance while also angrying all tourists. It’s a win-win for everyone, otherwise we’d have to kill the monkey and eat the parrot.

    Do you want that to happen?

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