Dolly Parton erfährt, dass sie und ihre Patentochter Miley Cyrus tatsächlich verwandt sind: „Das überrascht mich nicht, denn sie fühlt sich wie Familie an.“


  1. failedflight1382 on

    Many, many people in that part of the country are unknowingly related.

  2. PatBenetaur on

    They are seventh cousins once removed. None of us are aware of all of our family members that distant.

    She is like we equally related to hundreds of thousands of others.

  3. I’m glad Miley’s got someone like Dolly in her life to offset her Dad.

  4. ottoIovechild on

    Gordon Lightfoot was my first cousin 3 times removed and I’ve got $5 in the bank

  5. Andovars_Ghost on

    But that means that she is also related to Billy Ray, so not all good news.

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