Wir leben in einem dreistöckigen Haus und es scheint, dass jede Etage ihren eigenen Sicherungskasten hat. Die erste und dritte Etage haben Strom, aber die zweite Etage ist komplett ohne Strom. Nichts ist ausgelöst worden, also bin ich mir nicht sicher, was das Problem ist. Ich füge Bilder bei, vielleicht kann mir jemand ein bisschen helfen. Danke!
Von Agile_Sock2492
Can you take a picture from 25-29? Those are old fuses that get destroyed when they are tripped. You can check whether they are still fine by either looking at the little window at their front or unscrewing them and checking the contents.
Try to find the meter, probably one of the three main fuses blew.
All the switches seem on. Might be the fuse. You can take them out and see if they are gone
One floor without power and two with power?
That sounds like a Panzersicherung went. Any option to check if the house next door has a similar issue? I once had that it blew one of the fuses in the transformer for the whole road.
If it the whole road, call the company running the grid (not necessarily the company you have your strom contract with). If it the Panzersicherung of your house, you will need a certified electrican. **Do not, under any circumstances, open the box they are in or try to remove them. That is a good way to be killed by an electric arc.**
Check the basement. Looks like a fuse on one of the phases to the house blew out.