Israelische Infanterie räumt Häuser in Rafah auf, 24.09.24

Von dead_polar_bear_34


  1. Legit question: are there really many enemy combatants left? How many Israeli soldiers have died during this war? Are the threats mostly from enemy combatants, or more from booby traps and friendly fire?

    At this point, who are they fighting? Is it like Iraq where maybe there’d be a couple of balsy fighters every month who tried to take on the coalition? Or is it more like fighting ISIS when they were at their height, well equipped and well armed fighting with coordination.

    I don’t mean this in a condescending way, I’m just trying to understand the war, and why they’re literally going house to house shooting walls and beds.

  2. totally_notafed on

    Finding a mirror immediately after entry. Funny. Would’ve got me 😁

  3. lieutenantLT on

    They must be exhausting, because that is some pretty lackadaisical room clearing

  4. “Israeli occupiers destroying civilian houses in Rafah”

    Fixed it for you.

  5. allesumsonst on

    I love how the actions of IDF Platoon spread the feeling of being good friends fighting a common evil enemy and theycan totally trust each other like almost playground friends. Thumps up from Germany – Keep going IDF

  6. 150c_vapour on

    IDF soldiers running around the former homes of displaced civilians is not combatfootage. Should we start posting the old clips of them trying on womans undergarmets too?

    Not combatfootage.

  7. Sirlionsworth on

    IDF soldiers running around the former homes of displaced civilians is not combatfootage. Should we start posting the old clips of them trying on womans undergarmets too?

    Not combatfootage.

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