BamBam von GOT7 entschuldigte sich für seine Negativität und legte eine Pause für seine psychische Gesundheit ein


  1. Add that to the list of ridiculous things idols are forced to apologize for.
    Hope the break will do him good.

  2. catherinecg on

    That man is burnt out. I hope he takes enough time off to really get back to being himself again.

  3. lorddevil59 on

    Plus the fact that recently with Jennie he went for a drink with friends and that people are attributing rumors of a relationship to him while you are simply living your life like everyone else, there is enough to blow a fuse so yes it is mentally exhausting. While they have known each other for almost a decade.

  4. I think he apologized for making the fans worried, is this about that Instagram story? But seriously he doesn’t have to apologize for this stuff.

    Anyways I am glad he is taking a break and I hope when he comes back he is healthy.

  5. SumoGoodBoi on

    Idk why he has to apologize for that, but may he rest well 🙏 he needs a break, he works so hard

  6. Ok-Flan2023 on

    He’s definitely burnt out. You can tell when a celebrity is overworked to exhaustion from the way they behave online — I don’t think what he said is wrong but yeah, as an artist sometimes it is better to not engage with haters online.

    It kind of reminds me of Renjun’s behavior earlier this year. People really forget these idols are human beings sometimes and bring rumors and “criticism” too far. I hope he gets better and comes back with bangers and good health!

  7. weknowleeknow12 on

    I loved his latest album, he’s such a wonderful artist. I hope he can rest as long as he needs to🫂

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