Ein russischer Kommandant befahl, ein seiner Einheit gespendetes Auto von einem Schützenpanzer zu überfahren, weil sie es dazu benutzten, sich von der Truppe zu entfernen und sich zu betrinken



  1. crunkcritique on

    This is something our unit should post on the internet!

    Good idea comrade

  2. Economy_Pizza4592 on

    I’m surprised there weren’t two drunk Russians in the car

  3. Sirosim_Celojuma on

    The best part is the level of wisdom in making this decision. Please promote this man.

  4. Own_Box_5225 on

    “Cut off your own nose to spite your own face”. Russian officer field manual, page 1, probbaly

  5. brotherkobe on

    It’s the same result they just save the Ukrainians ammunition 🤷‍♂️

  6. Humblerewt on

    Don’t really see the point in this if the soldiers are gonna die during a meat-wave attack this week

  7. LostSoulOnFire on

    You get stupid, then very stupid, then really really reaaaallyyyyy stupid, and finally you get russian stupidity.

  8. That-Makes-Sense on

    This is just a variant of “The beatings will continue until morale improves.”

  9. afaik at the front they are always short of all sorts of transports. The commander of this clown show decided to destroy the car because he couldn’t maintain control and discipline within his unit. And heven made it public. He probably thinks this will make him look good but shows actually just how pathetic and rotten the russian army as an organization is.

  10. Naive-Show-4040 on

    Guess we’ll see them doing assaults on scooters, or in golf carts soon….Oh wait…

  11. Suspicious-Fox- on

    Russians confirm drunk soldiers are a structural problem in the Russian army.

  12. Sad-Cloud152 on

    good commander. now the whole unit needs to walk to get food, water and ammo. smart move bieber.

  13. Some guy who donated his life savings that he bought this car with watched this video with his mouth open.

  14. UpperCardiologist523 on

    Meanwhile, Ukrainians having professional chefs making food in the trenches to boost morale.

  15. xfirehurican on

    Hell, these moronic orcs can’t even run over a civ vehicle properly. Everyone knows if you’re purposely ‘tracking’ cars or trucks, it’s done from the front or rear; not from the side.

  16. Do you think they even had the foresight to empty the fuel tank first?

  17. So they have to take the chinese golf carts to go AWOL and get drunk now?

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