Elektriker verließ NCH-Baustelle, nachdem ihm aufgrund von Trauerurlaub der Lohn gekürzt wurde, teilte WRC mit


Von devhaugh


  1. TheStoicNihilist on

    It’s a race to the bottom with these fuckers. We shouldn’t be enabling it by awarding them contracts.

  2. Prestigious-Many9645 on

    Is a week not a bit excessive for a mother in law? I don’t know if I’d be taking that length of time. It probably depends on the wider family situation 

  3. theseanbeag on

    I wonder how many other people on the site have had their rates of pay adjusted at the whim of some bully of a boss.

  4. Over 2 billion spent on a hospital and still sacking people over a bereavement.

    Fucking grim all round.

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