Neue Anti-Trump-Werbung bringt MAGA World in Rage – weil sie von jemandem gesprochen wird, den sie schon seit Jahren für Memes verwenden


  1. TriggerNutzofDOOM on

    Its Sam Elliot for anyone who doesn’t want to bother with the article.

  2. obfuscator17 on

    Actors in politics are cheered by them only when you’re on their side and when you’re not, you’re washed up, I never liked you, nobody cares, mind your own business actor and stick to movies. They’re such big babies and so predictable.

  3. FunnyCharacter4437 on

    Because of his appearance and various characters, they assume he’s a R. Same with Nick Offerman. But he’s been pro-choice and anti-Trump. So they never did “have him”, they just assumed.

  4. Turbo_Homewood on

    I’ve seen them claiming the Hollywood elite “got to him,’ even though Elliott has been appearing in movies since at least the 1970s.

  5. FewBee5024 on

    He voiced a Biden ad in 2020, it’s like MAGA all had encephalitis and no short term memory 

  6. Empty_Afternoon_8746 on

    I like the Lincoln project! the podcast the new abnormal is pretty good and their adds are the best, they’ve been beating the hell out of Trump for years!

  7. Straight-Storage2587 on

    So infuriating that many MAGA Depends got soiled just hearing the news.

  8. What if this backlash is actually a sign that the ad creators are smarter than we think? Using a familiar voice might be a deliberate tactic to provoke an emotional response. If memes can sway opinions, could they also shape the political narrative? Are we underestimating the power of humor in activism?

  9. As someone who uses the F-word like a comma, I have to bow humbly at it being deployed so sparingly and with such impact as he does here.

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