Hallo zusammen. Ich versuche, ein paar Sachen auf Kleinanzeigen zu verkaufen, was immer Spaß macht 😅 Jemand sagte, er hätte die Zahlung getätigt und mir einen DHL-QR-Code geschickt. Er sagte, ich müsse den QR-Code scannen und irgendwie an das Geld kommen. Das ergibt für mich keinen Sinn und ich habe so etwas noch nie gesehen. Zwielichtig?


Von Fizpop91


  1. hdgamer1404Jonas on

    That looks sketchy. The German text at the top is weirdly written.

  2. ChellieVegas on

    100% a scam. There are weird wordings, grammatical and spelling errors and Kleinanzeigen is unfortunately not unknown for creative scam attempts 😅

  3. rayraikiri on

    Scam. Dont. DHL doesnt do this, only accept money though Kleinanzeigen’s payment system or things like paypal

  4. Uncle_Lion on

    Never ever heard of something like that. DHL is no payment service. It’s a parcel delivery and mail service. No way this is right.

  5. Oh yes, really obvious scam. I notice the address in the location bar isn’t a complete URL, just the domain name — makes sense, this is clearly a fake screenshot. And why on earth would DHL — or anyone — get the customer to take a screenshot and send it to the other person, instead of just asking for an e-mail address to send the QR code to?

  6. barugosamaa on

    “des neuen” and “Zahlungssystemwurde” should already be enough to know it is a scam.

    Also, they keep calling the QR-Code “Symbole”

  7. shiroandae on

    If someone wants you to pay or get paid by DHL on Kleinanzeigen, always just report them. 10000000% a scam.

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