Satellitenbilder zeigen massive Zerstörungen in russischen Munitionslagern, die von ukrainischen Drohnen angegriffen wurden. Vorher- und Nachher-Satellitenbilder der Munitionslager Oktjabrsk, Tichorezk und Toropez zeigen die jüngsten Ergebnisse der Langstrecken-Drohnenoperationen der Ukraine.


  1. Chance_Gur7169 on

    crazy accuracy when you look at the photo. It doesn’t look like it was a fire and forget mission.

    It looks like they attempted to individually hit each storage and structure

  2. Any-Progress7756 on

    Toropets looks about 60 – 70% destroyed. Considering they appear to be all built in indiviudal bunkers to stop cascading explosions, the attack worked really well.

  3. Constant_Effective76 on

    This indicates that the storage bunkers have been placed too close to each other. Weird.

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