USA streben Kontrolle über russische S-400 im Austausch für Rückkehr der Türkei zum F-35-Programm an


  1. In this case, I think we should let Turkey keep the s-400s. No sense in letting them have the f35. They are too unreliable of a partner.

  2. __Yakovlev__ on

    Yeah how about no. 

    That’s a terrible trade. 

    Ofc as before the only ones I see claiming this are Turkish sources. So there’s still a good chance this is Turkish copium.

  3. SuccotashOther277 on

    Turns out the s400 was all hype anyway and erdogan was dumb enough to fall for it

  4. As soon as it gets there Erdogan will be on the phone to Putin asking him what’s in it for him to give him an F-35 to analyse. No deal

  5. WhyUReadingThisFool on

    Why would they even want S-400 anyways? We already know it’s shit

  6. Fit-Obligation-4455 on

    Seems to be sensible solution. Turkey is an important ally, especially now.

  7. neverfux92 on

    Please for the love of all things good and holy do not let them back in this program.

  8. Redcomrade643 on

    Turkey at the moment doesn’t deserve to be allowed back into the F-35 program or any other western weapons program from before the early 2000’s. Turkey has made it position as an unreliable and untrustworthy ally more than clear. They were told what would happen if they went with the S-400 systems and they did it anyway. Letting them back into the F-35 program after we have all seen that the S-400 is just yet another Russian crock of shit will send them the wrong message.

  9. TraditionalStatus188 on

    Just offer Ukrainians f35 programme and they will fetch you s400, s500 and s600 if they have to 😊

  10. Turkey is almost as bankrupt as Argentina is, so offer them some nice lam sausages.

  11. Hayes4prez on

    We don’t want Turkey running the S-400’s radar on F-35’s.

    That intel could get back to Russia or another hostile nation that relies on the S-400 for air defense, like Iran.

  12. Jumpy_Assistance5848 on

    I thought Turkey was developing its own homegrown 5th generation fighters.

  13. PaddyMayonaise on

    I wish we could kick turkey out of NATO. Horrible “partner”. They flipped us the bird after 9/11 and have been entirely unhelpful in world affairs since. They’re the enemy on the inside.

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